This documentary is the heroic journey of two young Afghan leaders, Yasin Farid, and Palwasha Madomi, who are fervently working to heal their country, transcending the televised images of their nation’s never-ending wars. It is a story of light and hope amid a world still in darkness.
Yasin’s journey began when he was three years old, on his father’s lap, and the Russians came into his village. They lost five family members, killed by mine explosions and shooting rockets
Palwasha lived in Kabul when the Mujahideen began bombing the city. Her family had to move 30 times as each neighborhood was destroyed. In the midst of all that chaos, she managed to go to the University of Kabul, but was forced to leave when the Taliban took over.
Yasin and Palwasha have lived amid hatred, violence and war since they were children. They have never known peace. Now, thanks to PARSA (Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Support for Afghanistan), an American NGO (Non-Government Organization), Yasin and Palwasha are leaders in education and entrepreneurship. But their journey is fraught with dangerous risk, limited resources and Afghan bureaucracy. Will they persevere?
What is it like to be an Afghan? The entire culture has been abused for 30 years. How does a culture recover? Can our documentary help create a new generative language?
DP and Director arrive in Kabul
Director hauls camera gear
Dr. Penelope Price,
Isa “Rémie” Theisen,
Franck Kraljic,
Laura Weiss,
Lead Editor
Shawn P. Mitchell,
Rodolfo Madero,
Director — Teatime in-between shots
DP tries to stay warm before filming
They Don't Have Mission, They are Just Fighting to have Money
"With a backdrop of stunning imaginery, Between Light & Darkness transcends war to tell an inspiring story. The country appears to be nothing but rock, but at the same time is extraordinary beautiful. the 25-minute film is ostendibly a message of hope, but I couln't shake a feeling of hopelessness when it was finished. yasin and Palwasa paint a picture of an Afgan people that are weary. "The people are thirsty of peace" - Yasin said."by Sarge in Seatle
Arizona Event Photographer - A Film Premier photographed and reviewed by Elaine Kessler
The film was incredibly beautiful capturing a side of Afghanistan I've rarely seen depicted. From the wide and peaceful snow covered mountainside imaginary to smaller-scaled details of everyday life, the film offered a glimpse into the culture and country that seemed fresh and pristine on one hand and heavily encumbered on the other. I was captivated by the careful stitching of imagery, sound, and storytelling. it was well paced at 22 minutes, offering a wealth of information in both image and narration.”by ELAINE KESSLER
Staff Award
A great audience and
lots of fun!
Specs: 22min / English / Filmed in HD on location in Afghanistan & Arizona
Executive Producers & Distributors: Moving Pictures Film & TV – Maitland Primrose Group
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